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Friday, June 06, 2003  

The New Weblog Showcase: Some suggestions

The Truth Laid Bear's New Weblog Showcase is in full swing. Here are some entries you might enjoy.

*I Protest. Frank's entry in the contest is a look at the fraud used to justify the invasion of Iraq. He calls it "Weapons of mass retraction."

*The Fablog. David Ehrenstein of David E.'s Fablog has submitted "Fait Divers: An Unmarried Pixie," a meditation on homosexuality, the McCarthy era and composer Aaron Copland.

*Give It Back. Mike Wang will not go quietly under Republican rule. He has a motto, "Keep your American Idol... I want my Republic back!" His entry, "Let it Rant, continues that theme. GIB is completely new to me, but I've found it enterprising enough to score a spot on my blogroll.

*Silver Rights. J.'s entry is "Some logs and a bottle of wine." It is an essay about white privilege viewed through the lens of petty theft.

At last count, there were more than 30 entries in the contest. Several blogs are providing introductions to or reviewing some of the entries. Based on my perusals, I believe any blog reader will find at least one submission that interests her.

4:28 AM